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Maynooth College Cemetery
Documentation & Enhancement Project

The cemetery at Maynooth College was established in 1817 and celebrates its 200th. anniversary in 2017. In anticipation of this anniversary, the Maynooth College seminary class of 1963-1970, made up of 67 lay alumni and 30 priests, undertook the planning, promotion and financial support of a documentation and rehabilitation project in conjunction with major funding from the college authorities. The class-sponsored input included researching the history of the location and creating an accessible record of those interred in print and on the web; commissioning of heritage markers for two of the cemetery's most distinguished figures, Eoghan O'Gramhnaigh and Nicholas Callan; and contributing to the cost of repair of damaged tombs and crosses.
To Members of the Maynooth College Class of 1963-70:
Thank you for your generous contributions to the class fund, which has made it possible to carry out a wide range of initiatives in repairing damaged stonework, presenting on-site information and highlighting the history of the cemetery.
Denis Bergin
Project Co-ordinator
August 15 2017
We are now embarking on the final phase of the project in conjunction with the College administration to enhance the landscaping of the cemetery and carry out final repairs to stonework and inscriptions, as well as finalising the documentation of the cemetery's history and interment records, which are available on this website.
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